
人才流动的考虑和成本都在不断上升. 组织需要在控制成本的同时提供业务价值的移动性. 更复杂的是,现在很多员工都是 期待 灵活性和远程工作. 这一切对人才流动意味着什么, 外籍人士管理和国际任务? 利用美世的专业知识、数据和技术,帮助您驾驭这种复杂性. 
41%的高管认为,企业的根本转变需要重置工作, 劳动力, 工作场所, 29%的高管希望抓住这个机会,重新构想他们的国际轮岗.


疫情加速了全球人才流动趋势和做法的变化. 在动荡时期,企业不得不重新考虑他们的人才流动战略. 

One of the major considerations is balancing cost with the need for career development and organisational-needs-driven employee mobility. 根据美世2020年全球国际派遣政策和实践调查, 高成本仍然是人才迁移的主要障碍之一. 

Companies are looking for opportunities to replace traditional long-term assignments with alternative, 低成本的人才流动形式, 包括: 

同时, remote and hybrid working — initially forced by pandemic lockdown measures — are increasingly the lifestyle choices for many employees. 他们现在希望能够在任何地方工作,不仅仅是在国内,而是在世界各地. The new expectations mean that mobility teams now need to manage globally distributed workforces, 不仅仅是搬迁过程. 

Understanding the cost of living in different locations is crucial for companies setting up compensation packages, 对于那些担心自己在国外购买力的员工来说也是如此. 


  • 短期和长期的业务目标和需求
  • 内部政策、技术和流程
  • 国际劳动力技能提升和再培训工作
  • 职业管理方面的考虑.





  • 国际人才库的精简和多元化: Efficient mobility talent management goes hand in hand with decisions about international workforce resizing, 重塑和再培训. It is as much about managing an international talent pool as about moving people from country to country
  • 促进人才多元化: If gaining international experience is the best way to reach the most senior management positions, the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the expatriate workforce is undermining attempts to improve diversity
  • 保障权利 领导人才管道 已经就位了
  • 解决关键技能短缺问题 在关键市场
  • 保护关键人才通过策略性地将他们从停滞的市场部署到更活跃的市场
  • 更广泛地说,使持续的 职能和商业活动的全球化


  • 合适的工作: 在促进员工职业发展方面,并非所有职位都是平等的. The types of positions that are real career accelerators depend on the company and industry sector. Global mobility plays a role by allowing high-potential employees to access these jobs globally
  • 正确的技能: 员工需要哪些技能来加速他们的职业发展? 外派工作(实际的还是虚拟的)是获得这些技能的最佳途径吗? 
  • 合适的社交网络: 接近最高管理层, 与公司专家交流学习的机会, 更广泛地说, the ability to network with those who can be qualified as the 'influencers' within the company is a differentiator. 员工(在总部)的位置, 在一个主要的区域中心或相反在一个小的, 远程操作)影响了他们建立高效网络的能力
Explore practical recommendations for creating successful alignment between global mobility and your overall talent management strategy.



使用正确的数据和来自经验和专用技术的见解, 美世帮助了,800个国际流动客户为400个客户设计奖励方案,全球有5000名流动员工. 


  • 战略和政策设计
  • 补偿及津贴
  • 受让人的经验
  • 政策的基准测试
  • 定制咨询解决方案.


Designing efficient and transparent compensation packages for your internationally distributed global workforce is increasingly challenging. The highly diversified assignment types and flexible working arrangements are complicating elements, 你的员工价值主张也是如此, which can be a decisive factor in winning or losing the international battle for skilled talent.


帮助你做出明智的决定, 我们市场领先的数据解决方案涵盖的考虑因素包括: 


  1. 以客户需求和降低成本为重点的新组织结构
  2. 世界各地商业动态的不同节奏
  3. 区域一体化和在全球范围内寻找外派人员.
美世’s 咨询 services will help you manage your expatriate and domestic relocation assignments successfully in a highly competitive and cost-conscious business environment.


  • 流动战略与人才管理  
    全球流动面临的最大挑战是人才管理. 美世可以帮助您将流动性和人才管理结合起来.
  • 移动政策的设计和更新
    Behind every successful global mobility programme is a well-thought-out policy that addresses business objectives, 受让人的期望和市场机会. The best policies read like a roadmap, connecting objectives with actions and actions with outcomes. They integrate best practices into an organisation’s overall culture to keep programmes competitive and market responsive, 将人才流动与人才管理和奖励策略联系起来.
  • 市场基准你的流动政策
    你能证明你奖励和管理外派员工的策略是有效的吗? 与竞争对手相比,你们的政策公平吗? 你能记录下你需要什么来获得其他决策者的支持吗?
  • 流动政策、方案的执行和沟通 

    无论是创建全新的项目,还是在现有项目的基础上继续发展, identifying potential challenges and impacts of the changes on the existing expatriate population is critical to achieving a smooth transition. 


  • 流动人员计划程序审查
    考虑到外派人员的巨大成本, companies that do not proactively review the effectiveness of their international assignment programmes – on a regular basis – run the risk of poorly executed policies, 幻灭和无生产力的外籍人士, 以及对底线的负面影响.
  • 给刚接触流动性的公司的建议
    决定要实现的移动性策略的类型, as well as how to communicate and administer them has become a major challenge for companies going global. 第一批外派人员的待遇和条款通常在总部单独协商, 但当项目的范围和规模扩大时, the need for a more structured approach often emerges in response to varying locations and task requirements.
  • 促进多样性、公平和包容(DEI) 
    在不同工作岗位和地域之间调动人才,在促进多元化方面发挥着关键作用, 公平与包容, 人力资源团队应该站在发展多元化员工队伍的最前沿.


帮助我们的客户优化其国内搬迁计划, we are able to draw on 美世’s vast resources to offer both policy expertise and comprehensive data solutions. Our solutions let you ensure cost-effective and competitive policies are in place and calculate the right incentives when transferring employees domestically.
Establishing appropriate and cost-effective domestic relocation policies for your organisation can be a complex undertaking. 通过广泛的研究和客户工作, 我们知道,要实施正确的政策,没有放之四海而皆准的方法.


Our comprehensive suite of cloud-based mobility software solutions provides the benefits of digitalisation and accessibility for all mobility teams and their global workforces – whatever the age, 大小, 以及人才流动计划的复杂性, 无论你的预算是多少. 

Find the right digital tools to manage the challenges of daily work – from compliance and cost tracking to optimising workflows and streamlining firm-wide communication.


美世 has developed a solution to simplify talent relocation for domestic and  international assignments. MMP是一个技术平台, 内置与ServiceNow®合作, that helps manage complex mobility programmes by bringing all aspects of talent mobility in one place.

该平台提供了一个交互式的, 可配置的, 实时数据和内容体验,同时简化工作流程, 降低成本, 降低了风险, 跟踪投资回报. 再加上我们全套的咨询服务, MMP使您在移动旅程中更容易获得所需的无与伦比的支持.

使用计算器和成本预测工具进行有效的计划和预算, 整合强大的国际薪酬数据.

通过自动化任务轻松管理程序, 综合报告, HRIS and vendor integrations and more functionalities delivered by our mobility management system.

Help your international assignees prepare for living and working overseas and set them up for success with cultural training tools and dedicated resources.



    与专家联系,讨论美世的数据套件, 咨询, 以及致力于人才流动的技术解决方案.