
如果你想提高幸福感, 管理成本和留住员工, robust employee benefits analytics informs strategic thinking. Our market-leading approach features HR dashboards that harness your employee health and benefits data, 所以你可以做出数据驱动的决定.


Without good analytics it is impossible to tell if any changes made to your benefits programs are having a positive or negative impact on employees. It also denies the opportunity to understand the impact your changes have.

Employee benefits cost organizations a substantial amount, but are they valued by employees? Our employee benefits analytics tools help you optimize spend, with employee data reports to show what is and isn’t working.

员工福利 and in particular mental health are huge areas of focus for employers. Analytics help you proactively impact employees’ health by understanding where improvements can be made, 而不是等待做出被动的改变.

With benchmarking tools to stay ahead in the market and functionality such as 'Future Trends' and ‘What-if' analytics, 组织对未来有自己的看法, enabling strategic initiatives to be implemented and monitored. 

Instead of manually compiling employee data reports, save time and avoid errors with automated employee health and benefits data collection. We integrate your HR, payroll, employee benefits data and more to give you total benefits oversight.
Use employee benefits analytics to determine overall benefit cost and utilization, 计算投资回报率 ,识别浪费的开支, 通过协调来提高效率, 集体管理福利.
Identify trends to improve employee health and well-being, reduce sickness absence and keep health insurance claims down, minimizing direct health costs and the impact of employee ill-health.
Using a combination of employee engagement data and other information, gain 洞察力s to boost recruitment and retention of the best talent.
Use analytics to ensure your employee health and benefits efforts are supporting business goals, from driving cost efficiencies to mitigating health risks.


Rising employee benefits costs and the war for talent means companies need to ensure their benefits are fit for purpose. 员工福利分析 can help you identify which benefits your employees are actually using and how much specific benefits cost. These data 洞察力s can then be used to identify which benefits need rethinking and which need to be communicated more effectively. HR data reports can also be used to ensure employee benefits are supporting key business goals. For example, the need to attract and retain talent with skills or cost savings.

It can take weeks to manually compile the HR data needed to measure the effectiveness of individual benefits. Automating this process can reduce time and the risk of human error; enabling you to get the 洞察力s needed to lower insurance claims and boost employee choice and engagement. Our analytics solutions takes data from multiple sources, to deliver up-to-the-minute 洞察力s 所以你可以做出数据驱动的决定 to enhance your strategy.

通过了解医疗索赔的类型, 以及制作它们的员工人口统计数据, organizations can put proactive measures in place to improve the well-being of employees. Ultimately this reduces the organizational impact of sickness and enables organizations to negotiate costs with providers by showing that they are strategically reducing the number of claims that employees make.

After salary, employee benefits are the second biggest people cost. 积极地管理这一点具有良好的商业意义, especially when it comes to reducing healthcare benefits costs, 创造一种健康的文化. 员工福利分析 can also help organizations to progress board-level priorities, ranging from meeting diversity and inclusion targets to attracting and retaining the talent needed to achieve business growth objectives. If you would like us to help you to make the business case for introducing employee benefits analytics at your organization, 我们可以帮忙.